Project grade (20% of total) based on four components (and their relative weights): mid-review (20%), functional code and demo (60%), final-review (10%) and final report (10%). Various due dates for project deliverable are:
Oct 31, 2014 (5pm EST): Singe page with team members (up to 2 person team allowed), a short abstract of your project and how you plan to demonstrate the use of SRAM, keyboard, video, and microcontoller aspects
Nov 7, 2014 (5pm EST): Proposal with plans and milestones for project mid-review and final-review. Proposal must include specifications, interfaces, a block diagram and deliverables. You must demonstrate the use of SRAM, keyboard, video and microcontoller aspects in your project
Nov 20, 2014 (in class): Mid-review will focus on Q/A session with the instructor and the TA. Be prepared to answer questions about your outlined milestones
Dec 8, 2014 (by appointment): Final-review will focus on Q/A session with the instructor and the TA. All demos and functionality must be completed before this review and be prepared to deliver all your design code
Dec 8, 2014 (5pm EST): Deliver final project report. The report must be no more than 5 single-side pages and must include (1) project statement and objectives, (2) Block diagrams and breakdown of system components, (3) Logic and state diagrams with descriptions, (4) Evaluation and experimental setup, (5) Verification strategy and outcomes and (6) Experiences.